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    Wetreat 係一個照顧身心靈的平台。我地為處於初職階段的青年創造一個團體,讓我地一齊共學、共修、共息,提升身心健康及幸福感。

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    Wetreat 的成立源於生活中的觀察,我地見到身邊好多23-30歲的朋友飽受青年危機(Quarter-life crisis) 的困擾,面對初踏職場、親密關係、朋輩及家庭壓力等的難題。近年疫情肆虐時,更加深佢地既孤獨感、深化佢地所面對的青年危機。 有見及此,Wetreat 致力提供個人發展同埋自我照顧的空間。我們主要透過Designing Your Life小組、Retreat Day Camp、Level-up 小組及Wellcation 小組,為職青提供朋輩支援網絡、職涯發展輔導以及照顧情緒健康的空間。


    We here at WeTreat offer Offline Retreat Day camp or Online Workshops and Co-learning groups subscription at very affordable prices. We welcome you to join us.

    All of our workshops and products are Power with. We co-learn together and retreat together to incubate Well-beings.

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    Design Your Life小組


  • Our Activities

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    Co-Learning Groups


    Reading The Wisdom in The Little Prince by Prof Chow Po Chung

    $30 for 4 sessions / person

    A new session of the Co-Learning Group is now waiting for you to join! This time we will be having a co-learning chance on reading a little book written by Prof Chow Po Chung - The Wisdom in The Little Prince.


    This book study group will be starting at the end of April. Application is now available and please fill in the application form before 18/4.


    Application form: https://forms.gle/qtb7ovyqZyoaS4JWA

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    Wellcation 2.0

    coming soon

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    Day Camp

    Wetreat organizes a day camp each month. Each day camp activity will be held in different theme. On the last several months, we have day camp in the theme of Healing (Jan), Love (Feb) and Self-Understanding (Mar).


    Our day camp program focuses on bringing participants a rest day and at the same time some reflections. 


    We are very welcome to have you join us in the next day camp.

  • WeTreat Blog

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    1:1 career coaching / IFS counselling

    1:1 career coaching / IFS counselling

    所在時區:亞洲/香港 GMT+08:00
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